Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to School: Studying Tips #B2SWJ

Today im going to give you my favorite tips for studying. Im a sophomore this year just if you were wondering.

- TIPS -

1-  Pay attention to everything the professor says. Even if you dont understand it.

2- Take notes. That has helped me so much.

3- If you dont understand something ask the professor.

4- Highlight in bright colors. That way you can memorize things faster.

5- FLASH CARDS ! This will help you so much I mean it.

6- Use a planner or an agenda. This will help you stay organized.

7- When you study try to eat healthy snacks and drink a lot of water. 

8- Keep all your electronic devices away from you. This will help you concentrate more I SPEAK FROM EXPIRIENCE !

9- I personnally like to read things over and over that helps me memorize them.

10- Last tip is to try to find something or someone that makes school fun so that way you dont get bored.

Those are all of the tips I have. I will be doing a couple more back to school videos so go subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay updated.

Thank you so much ! And I will se you next Friday ! XOXO

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